Summary: These Raw Vegan Goji Berry Chocolates are made with raw cacao paste, or raw cacao liquor, or raw cacao mass. Cacao Paste is produced from the whole cacao bean, therefore it has both cacao fats (cacao butter) and solids (cacao powder).
I find that using Cacao paste makes a smoother, silkier, not-so-bitter chocolate, as there are less cacao solids.
In this recipe, I take the deliciousness to the next level by adding goji berry powder, lucuma and mesquite, which help create a fudge-like texture. And I use currants, and coconut nectar or maple syrup to sweeten the chocolates, giving them a really pleasant fruitiness.
Think of these as fruity chocolates for people who don't like their chocolate bitter.
Makes about 30 chocolates, depending on the size of your chocolate mould.
Summary: What is a Spoothie or Smoothie Bowl? It is a Smoothie that you pour into a bowl and eat with a spoon. Try this Raw Vegan Spinach and Chocolate number. Who thought chocolate and spinach could go so well together ? I certainly didn't !
This awesome recipe was created one chilly morning when I was in the mood for something treat-y and delicious (chocolate), but also something healthy and green (spinach). I decided to try combining the two, and I am so glad I did : this raw vegan breakfast smoothie bowl is green, yet the combination of chocolate, carob and spinach is amazingly tasty. If you don't have any raw carob, just leave it out, or use extra cacao powder.
Try it for yourself, I guarantee you will be happy you did !
Summary: When it comes to baby food, we all know that home made is best. That being said, it can be challenging for new mums to make all their child's food from scratch. That is when quick and easy recipes like this one, that don't require any cooking, come in really handy. Now, of course, babies shouldn't have any chocolate until they are over 12 months or even older ... But raw (unroasted) carob is perfectly safe, and mums and dads might actually love it too !
As always for baby food, choose organic ingredients, and do not add any salt or sugar.
Please feel free to multiply quantities for as many portions as you would like to make and freeze.