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Get fresh for the New Year

‘Oh, I feel so full. I will never do this again. I’m going on a diet!’ – sounding familiar? Try not to be too harsh on yourself, because let’s be honest – we all overeat from time to time! Christmas comes only once a year and few days of indulging isn’t going to ruin your health – or your weight loss battle. Don’t throw yourself into strict diets, which only make you feel miserable and hardly ever work anyway.


Cutting down on some sugar and fat in your diet after the festive season will help you to detoxify and cleanse, will boost your metabolism, clear your skin and strengthen your immune system. After days of overloading on sugar and fat the body happily welcomes back healthy, nutritious alternatives. But your body will be grateful if you treat it with respect – so be nice to yourself. Detox, but do it sensibly!


Instead of strictly cutting everything, find a few fresh healthy alternatives that work for you. Reach for the wide range of Real Vitality Superfoods that you can add to your daily menu. Start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon and aloe vera juice, sprinkle some goji berries on your almond milk-based porridge and spice up your lunch salad with some hemp seeds! If you are a coffee lover, try switching to green tea, which will keep you going just as well as your espresso and will offer you an energy boost, keep your blood sugar levels in check and help to get rid of those few extra pounds. Or why not chop some green tea leaves, combine with spices and use for cooking!






Getting more fresh organic foods into your diet can really help and Real Vitality Superfoods green superfoods are a particularly good supplement for this time of the year.


If you planned to workout this year, take it easy. Even 30 minutes of exercise a day will give you significant benefits and will help your body to find balance after Christmas. A short run or even a walk will help to increase blood flow and flush out toxins.

As days become colder be kind to your skin and before going for a workout in the open air, use some Organic Protection Intensive Facial Moisturiser from Lavera; it’s full of organic jojoba oil and organic shea butter that will give your skin the extra moisturising and nourishing protective care so needed during winter days! See our competitions page for how to win your way to one of these great treats.