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Cherry Juice and Cherries

Cherries have recently been termed a "super fruit" due to their overwhelming nutritional benefits. Best eaten when in season, you can get the benefits all year round by getting the habit of drinking cherry juice every day. Research has shown that cherries provide many health benefits due in large part to their high levels of antioxidants.

There are two types of cherries - sweet cherries, which are most commonly seen at the grocery store, and tart cherries, also known as sour cherries. Make sure when choosing your cherry juice that you chose one which is pure juice with no added sugars. Tart cherry juice will give you the best nutritional value.

Cherries contain beta carotene, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, fibre, and potassium, along with a very high concentration of antioxidants. Tart cherries have more vitamin C and beta carotene with fewer calories, so they are recommended most often for the health benefits of cherries. Both provide nutritional benefits however.

A growing body of science reveals tart cherries, enjoyed as either driedfrozen cherries or cherry juice, have among the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants, when compared to other fruits.

Emerging evidence links cherries to many important health benefits. From helping weight loss, helping to ease the pain of arthritis and gout, to reducing risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

Cherries also contain melatonin, which helps regulate the body’s natural sleep patterns. It can also aid with jet lag, prevent memory loss and delay the ageing process.

How cherries can help when losing weight.

Cherries are low in calories, low in fat and contain a high percentage of water. Research has shown increasing water consumption will boost energy levels and help increase the metabolism. Many people are discovering the benefits of eating high water fruits like cherries for help in losing weight.

Like most fruit cherries are also high in potassium and low in sodium. This helps control water retention by improving water balance. A diet lower in sodium often results in the loss of excess water weight.

How cherry juice can help with the pain of arthritis and gout.


Scientists discovered that the anthocyanins in tart cherries effectively reduced painful inflammation in an experimental animal model. This effect may stem from the ability of anthocyanins to reduce oxidative stress, a major cause of autoimmune disease.

Get the cherry juice habit.

It is easy to add cherries into your everyday habits, especially if you develop a taste for cherry juice! You might drink a glass of cherry juice with breakfast or add some cherries into your morning cereal or oatmeal. Try adding cherries to salad or yogurt for lunch, or snack on them right out of the bag. If you enjoy trail mix, adding dried cherries can sweeten it up. It is not difficult to find ways to incorporate cherries into your everyday life.

While there’s no established guideline yet on how many cherries it takes to reap the benefits, experts suggest that 1-2 servings of cherries daily can help provide some of the health benefits identified in the research. Single serving size examples include: